Friday, February 11, 2011

Oooh Look, A Blog!

Welcome to Fixing 66, here's a little backstory.'
In December of 09, this happened:

 Then in May 2010 Steve and I bought this beauty
 I call her Big Blue. Built around 1905 she had a bad roof, sagging floors, and was filled with most of the previous owners junk. Not to mention the fact that it looked like the 70's had crawled up and died in there.
We moved in three weeks after we bought her, rented a dumpster and did our best to clean it up. Steve worked most days (busy life of a car salesman) So most of the work was left up to me (and the occasional kind hearted relative). Needless to say not much got done June. But in my defense It was one of the hottest summers we had in a while. Also I was eight months pregnant.

Then, July 22nd came, and this happened:

I gave birth to a bouncing baby alien, I mean boy, named Simon. All of a sudden house fixing was put on the back burner and we were thrown into a world of sleepless nights. And faced with life altering decisions such as; Cloth or disposable? Pacifier or not, do I let him sleep or do I wake him up? We ended up using cloth diapers simply because of the cost effectiveness of them (probably the best decision we've made regarding things S poops in)

Now that Simon is a week shy of seven months old, working on the house seems more realistic now. We had our new roof put in and are planning out Simon's room.!